Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3 Easy Dinners

What You'll Need:
Chicken Fillet
Black Pepper
Red Wine Vinegar (Röd Vins Vinäger)

  1. Cook the rice
  2. Sprinkle the salt and pepper on the chicken
  3. Fry the chicken
  4. Remove the chicken, add a bit of water and a small amount of the red wine vinegar to the frying pan (sky på svenska), making a thin sauce.
  5. Serve

What You'll Need:
Roast Beef Fillet
Salad (optional)
Sauce/Gravy (Bearnaise Sås in the picture)

  1. Boil the potatoes
  2. Prepare the salad (however you would like it)
  3. Fry the meat fairly slowly
  4. Dice the onions
  5. Remove the meat, add a bit of water to the pan and add the onions.  Fry until the onions have marinated in the sauce
  6. Serve

What You'll Need:
Chicken Fillet
White Pepper
Curry Sauce
Frozen Vegetables

  1. Salt and pepper the chicken
  2. Cook rice
  3. Fry chicken
  4. Stir-fry vegetables
  5. Make curry sauce (ready made, just add water and butter)
  6. Serve

Extremely simple, extremely delicious.